Native Advertising Case Study

What was the project?

For our Business Partner, we co-operated on a performance global (United States, UK, Australia, and Europe) campaign across different native networks in the health niche.

Who was the digital marketing specialist (project manager)?

Responsible for all native campaigns was Tomaž Kastelec, professional with more than 17 years of experience in digital marketing. Tomaž also holds in 2023 Clickbank Platinum Status (1% Top Global Clickbank Affiliates)

What was the challenge?

The project only had two primary objectives:

  1. $40,000 in sales per month from the very first day
  2. Making more than 30% of net profit.

Test period: 3 months. Media Budget: limit $120.000 for 3 months


Native Ads (we used Mgid, Revcontent and platform)

  • Invested: from January 2022 to March 2022: $115,685.45
  • Conversion value: $179,345.06
  • Total number of conversions: 1,525
  • Total Profit (all costs deducted): $63,659,61

We greatly exceeded business goals and successfully passed the testing phase. We are still working with our business partner and providing him with a long-lasting sustainable ROI.

How did we do it?

1. Step – Before the start (technical and editorial set-up).

  • We analyzed the markets (usage of SpyTools) for this specific niche. 
  • Prepared different ads variations (in total more than 30 variations) 
  • Integrating the tracker with traffic source and offer (technical set-up) to be able to do the most important thing – daily optimization.   
  • Preparing different pre-sell landing pages to attracting potential buyers and increasing conversion rates.
  • Set up the campaign in native networks.
  • Compile a list of proven widgets and websites, using previous data to avoid significant losses. This list can be worth from $5,000 to $50,000, based on over $1,000,000 in past advertising spend.
  • Start campaign…

2. Step

  • After the testing phase (campaign started in three different networks) we moved the whole budget into one network (the lowest conversion costs). 
  • Daily optimization process:
    • Changing ads (headlines, images…),
    • Adjusting bids for specific widgets,
    • Blocking widgets,
    • Adding new widgets,
    • Adding new campaigns,
    • Targeting different devices,
    • Targeting different areas,
    • A/B testing squeeze page,
    • Reporting.

Utilizing our prior knowledge and experience, we were able to achieve a significant breakthrough within a few days and successfully exceeded both primary goals set by our partner.

Contact us here and arrange a meeting with us.

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