Maximize o banco de dados de e-mail e minimize o investimento em publicidade paga

Who was the client?

Založba Primus d.o.o., for web page, dedicated to online book sales and publishing.

Primus is a publisher of carefully selected books in the field of personal growth, spirituality, interpersonal relationships, education, natural healing methods, and quality literature. They always ensure that their books are well-translated, edited, and attractively designed.

Their purpose is to inspire the reader to make inner changes, lovingly and holistically take care of themselves and improve life circumstances to make it easier to walk their unique path and develop all their creative abilities.

Primus’ publishing program is getting richer every year and they will remain faithful to their mission in the future as well.

Who were the project managers?

This challenging task was led and executed by a team of two experienced marketers:

Matej Železnik, a marketing specialist and CEO of the company.

Uroš Vidali, is a digital marketing specialist with more than 10 years of experience.

Matej and Uroš combined their experience and skills to get the maximum out of a client’s budget, creating the base that perfectly fits the business needs.

What was the challenge?

The main challenge was a client’s wish was to build its own independent advertising channel (base) and thus, on the other hand, minimize the investment in paid advertising (Google and Facebook Ads).

An additional challenge for the client was the niche in which it is—PUBLISHING AND BOOKS SELLING, where they can rarely use discounts as tools to promote sales. On the other hand, they have a lot of credible and attractive content, which they wanted to highlight or take advantage of.

As mentioned, the client has already carried out certain activities in building a contacts database. The client’s main goal was to increase the size of the contacts database by sharing interesting, credible content with them.

What was the goal?

The project’s main goal was to share top-quality content with clients, in order to increase the database by at least 3,000 new contacts within 3 months. At the same time, to take advantage of paid advertising, especially online store visitors who did not make a purchase.

How was it done?

The project was split into 4 key stages:

STAGE I – Defining KPIs

After a thorough analysis with the client we first agreed to optimize the following KPIs:

  • Lead conversion rate
  • Number of Leads (emails)
  • Emails open rate (OR) 
  • Emails click-through rate (CTR)

STAGE II – Focus services

The client wanted to scale sales of these three categories:

  • Spirituality
  • Healthy Living
  • Not-so-well-known books 

STAGE III – Action plan

As an optimal cost-effective solution, we proposed an onsite lead generation system working on their webshop.

The system would, in a proactive way, motivate web page visitors who are not ready to become customers, to take the next step toward becoming a customer and subscribe to the email list (Opt-in). To do this we did not add any new systems or services, we simply optimized and maximized existing ones (Mailer Lite).

STAGE IV – Execution

We set up an intelligent funnel for the client’s three focus services, starting with the home page.

The strategy for each service had 5 steps.

1. Google Ads optimization

Optimization of paid advertising which brings the most relevant visitors to the client’s web page (Google Ads).

2. Landing page optimization

The individual clicks on the ad, which redirects him to the homepage of the shop.

3. Landing page optimization

After a few seconds, a pop-up window will open inviting you to get more relevant information via email. We used a free e-book to motivate an individual to submit their data.

4. Automated Thank you email

After submitting, the individual automatically received a thank-you email together with a free book. In this case, we opted exclusively for text mailing, for better delivery.

5. Automated email sequence

The automation of 4 follow-up email messages follows in the following sequence.

  • Authority – Content to increase the credibility
  • Relationship building – Content of relationship building
  • Opportunity – Sales promotion content
  • Value – Added value for the reader

What were the results?

Within 3 months, not only we increased the number of new contacts by 3,355, but we assured those were high-quality contacts since they signed up for the e-news because of their genuine interest in the content they saw.


The fact is that paid advertising is becoming more and more expensive, and on the other hand, its utilization is quite poor.

Statistically, only up to 2% of visitors make a purchase and the rest 98% leave the website/store without taking any action on the webpage.

With the help of the email automation system, we try to “catch” all those visitors who leave the site without taking action.

Email automation is one of the cheapest and most refined forms of building an extremely high-quality contact database. However, it takes much longer to acquire contacts. The bottom line of this process is quality over quantity.

Do you feel that you can apply this strategy to your business? Interested in gaining a larger email database of potential clients without increasing the advertising budget? We can help you to achieve that goal in no time.

Contact us here and arrange a meeting with us.

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