Responsabilidade digital na liderança

When talking about digital technology, it is not anymore a question of if it will stay or why. The big question is, how will we use this powerful technology in the future.
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), ecology, recycling, and energy usage need to be synergized with digital technology if we are to create a more prosperous society for all.
Usually, when the word “leadership” is mentioned most people think about others or somebody with a leadership position in a specific organization.
However, things are changing and the change is happening at the exponential level! The slow but steady development of science and technology started to make a paradigm shift related to who is leading and what is leadership.
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Typical organizational structures as we all knew for centuries, had a well and clearly defined “chain of command”

However, by adding digital technology via our smart devices to the leadership equation, things started to become a bit more challenging for most of the old-style organizations.

Almost instant access to data and increased connectivity between people, created an environment for change that was initially coined as the “Digital Revolution”.

However, shortly it became obvious that what is really happening is digital evolution. Digital is here to stay, whether we like it or not and it is the responsibility of all how this powerful technology is used.

So once again the question: Why digital responsibility in leadership?

Via digital technology, transparency came into organizational structures as an evolutional next step, which naturally eliminates the need for complex pyramid structures of the past.

There is still a need for hierarchical structures inside organizations, especially for defining responsibilities and roles. Leadership, however, should not be the privilege and responsibility of a few, but a collective commitment from all of us.

The choice is ours: do we use DM for personal gain and maximizing profit or do we include CSR and Ecological awareness too?

Responsabilidade digital na liderança is something we should all embrace and look at more seriously sooner rather than later.

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